How will you survive COVID-19 financially?
As we navigate our way through a health crisis that has impacted so many lives it’s important to have the right tools & expertise to successfully survive financially. For those that have been effected by loss of employment or reduced earnings capacity, Bob Reus & Co are waiving the upfront financial advice fees to help those in need get through.
There is so much going on with stimulus from the Government, early access to super & deferral of mortgage repayments to name a few, that it becomes very unclear on what the right thing to do is. Many will follow the herd, however that’s not always the best thing to do – especially when it comes to finances.
If you have been effected by Covid-19 financially, ensure you reach out to one of our trusted advisers to see how they can help you navigate the uncertainty so that you & your family are in the best position throughout & as we roll through to the other side.
Visit and fill out our form or call (02) 9548 1399.